local nav = {} local notnil = function(value, default) return value or default end local __nn = notnil local notnilnorempty = function(value, default) if value == nil then return default elseif type(value) == "string" and value == "" then return default else return value end end local __nne = notnilnorempty local notnilnorwhitespace = function(value, default) if value == nil then return default elseif type(value) == "string" then if value == "" then return value elseif mw.text.trim(value) == "" then return default else return value end else return value end end local __nnw = notnilnorwhitespace local notnilnoremptynorwhitespace = function(value, default) if value == nil then return default elseif type(value) == "string" and mw.text.trim(value) == "" then return default else return value end end local __nnew = notnilnoremptynorwhitespace local iif = function(condition, truevalue, falsevalue) if condition then return truevalue else return falsevalue end end --[[ 获取当前参数的序号,支持多个序号,且支持多种写法兼容。 pattern: 格式以正则表达式为基础,另增以下匹配符: % - 将自动替换成正则表达式的“(%d+)”,用以匹配这个位置上的序号。 %% - 将自动替换成正则表达式的“%”,用作正则表达式中“%”字符的转义。 返回: 【所有序号文本】 【所有序号数值】 注:以上每个值段都是一个独立的返回值列表项; 示例: paramname: prefix000infix10postfix08 pattern: ^prefix%infix%postfix%$ 返回:000 10 08 0 10 8 --]] local paramindexes = function(paramname, pattern) local indexes = { mw.ustring.match(paramname, mw.ustring.gsub(pattern, "%%%%?", function(m) if m == "%%" then return "%" else return "(%d+)" end end)) } local count = #indexes if count ~= 0 then for i = 1, count do indexes[i + count] = tonumber(indexes[i]) end return unpack(indexes) end end local indexedparamvalue = function(args, pattern, raw, index, rawfunc, indexfunc) if args == nil or pattern == nil or raw == nil or index == nil then return nil end if rawfunc ~= nil and indexfunc == nil then indexfunc = rawfunc end rawfunc = rawfunc or __nnew indexfunc = indexfunc or __nnew if type(raw) ~= "table" then raw = { raw } end if type(index) ~= "table" then index = { index } end local i = 0 rawname = mw.ustring.gsub(pattern, "%%%%?", function(m) if m == "%%" then return "%" else i = i + 1 return tostring(raw[i] or "") end end) rawvalue = args[rawname] local result = rawfunc(rawvalue) if result then return result end i = 0 indexname = mw.ustring.gsub(pattern, "%%%%?", function(m) if m == "%%" then return "%" else i = i + 1 return tostring(index[i] or "") end end) indexvalue = args[indexname] result = indexfunc(indexvalue) if result then return result end local fuzzyMatchingOn = __nnew(args.fuzzyMatchingOn, "no") == "yes" -- 模糊匹配。 if not fuzzyMatchingOn then return nil end -- 不启用参数名模糊匹配时处理流程到此结束。 -- 开始进行参数名模糊匹配。 -- 由于大多数参数名格式均为“【名称】【数字序号】”,将【名称】前缀作为第一道筛选程序将会减少耗时的正则匹配函数运行次数,大大优化代码运行效率。 local prefixpos = 1 local v1, v2 = 1, 0 while true do local v1, v2 = mw.ustring.find(pattern, "%%+", v1) if v1 == nil then prefixpos = mw.ustring.len(pattern) + 1 break elseif (v2 - v1) % 2 == 0 then prefixpos = v2 break else v1 = v2 + 1 end end local prefix = mw.ustring.gsub(mw.ustring.sub(pattern, 1, prefixpos - 1), "%%%%", "%") -- 获取纯文本前缀。 local prefixlen = mw.ustring.len(prefix) -- 获取纯文本前缀字符长度。 for k, v in pairs(args) do if k ~= rawname and k ~= indexname and mw.ustring.sub(k, 1, prefixlen) == prefix then -- 排除已处理参数名称,并筛选【名称】前缀。 local indexes = { paramindexes(k, "^"..pattern.."$") } -- 获取各序号部分。 local offset = #indexes / 2 -- 纯数字序号部分的偏移值,也作为序号的个数。 if #index == offset then -- 序号数量一致。 local equal = true -- 序号序列一致标识符。 for _i, _index in ipairs(index) do if _index ~= indexes[_i + offset] then equal = false break end end if equal then result = rawfunc(v) or indexfunc(v) if result then return result end end end end end end local xor = function(left, right) return (left == true and right ~= true) or (left ~= true and right == true) end local detectevenodd = function(list_previous, evenodd_i, evenodd, iseven) if evenodd_i == "swap" then if evenodd == "even" or evenodd == "odd" then return true, evenodd -- 每次swap都交换一次,基础值:全局evenodd。 else return true, nil -- 每次swap都交换一次。 end end if evenodd == "even" or evenodd == "odd" then return false, evenodd -- 不交换,基础值:全局evenodd。 end if list_previous then -- 在上一个列表的HTML代码中查找最后一项的class。 list_previous = mw.ustring.gsub(list_previous, "<!%-%-.-%-%->", "") -- 删除HTML注释。 local evenodd_previous = nil -- 上一个navbox-list奇偶样式(抓取自td标签的class属性)。 for tagstart, classstr in mw.ustring.gmatch(list_previous, [[<%s*([Tt][Dd][^>]-)%s[Cc][Ll][Aa][Ss][Ss]="([^"]-navbox%-list[^"]-)"]]) do if mw.text.trim(mw.ustring.sub(tagstart, 3, 3)) == "" then -- 标签是td。 for _, class in ipairs(mw.text.split(classstr, "%s+")) do class = mw.ustring.match(class, "^navbox%-(.+)$") if class == "even" or class == "odd" then evenodd_previous = class end end end end if evenodd_previous then -- 找到上一个列表中的最后一项的class return xor(evenodd_previous == "even", not iseven), nil -- 当最后一项的奇偶性与当前项的奇偶性相同时交换一次。 end end return false, nil -- 不进行样式修正。 end local function _bar(args, frame) local node = mw.html.create() local nodiv = __nnew(args.nodiv) local style = __nnew(args.style) if nodiv then node = node:wikitext(" "):tag("span") else node = node:tag("div") end node:addClass("noprint") :addClass("plainlinks") :addClass("hlist") :addClass("navbar") :addClass("nomobile") :cssText(style) ---------------核心代码--------------- --- 左方括号 --- local brackets = __nnew(args.brackets) if brackets then node = node:wikitext("[") end --- 前文 --- local mini = __nnew(args.mini) local miniv = __nnew(args.miniv) local plain = __nnew(args.plain) or __nnew(args.viewplain) if not (mini or miniv or plain) then node:wikitext("本模板: ") end local _1 = __nn(args[1], "{{{1}}}") local fontstyle = __nnew(args.fontstyle) local fontcolor = __nnew(args.fontcolor, "#002bb8") local history = __nnew(args.history) local purge = __nnew(args.purge) local span node:wikitext("[[Template:".._1.."|") span = node:tag("span") :css("background", "transparent!important") if fontstyle then span:cssText(fontstyle) else span:css("color", fontcolor) end span:attr("title", "-{zh-hans:查看;zh-hant:檢視}-这个模板") if miniv then span:wikitext("v") elseif plain then span:wikitext("view") elseif mini then span:wikitext("查") else span:wikitext("-{zh-hans:查看;zh-hant:檢視}-") end node:wikitext("]]") if not (miniv or plain) then node:wikitext(" · [[Template talk:".._1.."|") span = node:tag("span") :css("background", "transparent!important") if fontstyle then span:cssText(fontstyle) else span:css("color", fontcolor) end span:attr("title", "关于这个模板的讨论页面") if mini then span:wikitext("论") else span:wikitext("讨论") end node:wikitext("]] · [") :wikitext(frame:preprocess("{{fullurl:Template:".._1.."|action=edit}}")) :wikitext(" ") span = node:tag("span") :css("background", "transparent!important") if fontstyle then span:cssText(fontstyle) else span:css("color", fontcolor) end span:attr("title", "您可以编辑这个模板。请在储存变更之前先预览") if mini then span:wikitext("编") else span:wikitext("编辑") end node:wikitext("]") if history then node:wikitext(" · [") :wikitext(frame:preprocess("{{fullurl:Template:".._1.."|action=history}}")) :wikitext(" ") span = node:tag("span") :css("background", "transparent!important") if fontstyle then span:cssText(fontstyle) else span:css("color", fontcolor) end span:attr("title", "-{zh-hans:查看;zh-hant:查詢}-这个模板的编辑历史") if mini then span:wikitext("历") else span:wikitext("历史") end node:wikitext("]") end if purge then node:wikitext(" · [") :wikitext(frame:preprocess("{{fullurl:Template:".._1.."|action=purge}}")) :wikitext(" ") span = node:tag("span") :css("background", "transparent!important") if fontstyle then span:cssText(fontstyle) else span:css("color", fontcolor) end span:attr("title", "清除这个模板的缓存") if mini then span:wikitext("清") else span:wikitext("清除缓存") end node:wikitext("]") end end --- 右方括号 --- if brackets then node = node:wikitext("]"):done() end -------------------------------------- if nodiv then node:wikitext(" ") end return node end local function _box(args, frame) local node = mw.html.create() local border = __nnew(args.border) or __nne(args[1]) if border ~= nil then border = mw.text.trim(border) end -- 删去可能会有的多余的空白字符。 if type(border) == "string" then border = mw.text.trim(border) end -- 当前模板用于生成子列表时,关闭父模板用于padding的div if border == "subgroup" or border == "child" then node:wikitext("</div>") elseif border ~= "none" then node = node:tag("table") :addClass("navbox") :addClass(__nnew(args.class)) :attr("cellspacing", 0) :cssText(__nnew(args.bodystyle)) :cssText(__nnew(args.style)) :tag("tr") :tag("td") :css("padding", "2px") end node = node:tag("table") :attr("cellspacing", 0) :addClass("nowraplinks") :css("display", "table") :css("width", "100%") :cssText(__nnew(args.innerstyle)) local title = __nnew(args.title) local state = __nnew(args.state) if title then if state ~= "plain" and state ~= "off" then node:addClass("mw-collapsible") :addClass(state or "autocollapse") end end if border == "subgroup" or border == "child" or border == "none" then node:addClass("navbox-subgroup") :cssText(__nnew(args.bodystyle)) :cssText(__nnew(args.style)) else node:css("background", "transparent") :css("color", "inherit") end ---------------核心代码--------------- local imageleft = __nnew(args.imageleft) local image = __nnew(args.image) --- Title and Navbar --- local grouppadding = __nnew(args.grouppadding) local groupstyle = __nnew(args.groupstyle) local basestyle = __nnew(args.basestyle) if title then local temp = node node = node:tag("tr") local titlegroup = __nnew(args.titlegroup) if titlegroup then node = node:tag("td") :addClass("navbox-group") :cssText(basestyle) :css("padding", grouppadding or ("0 "..iif(border == "subgroup", "0.75em", "1em"))) :cssText(groupstyle) :cssText(__nnew(args.titlegroupstyle)) :wikitext(titlegroup) :tag("th") :css("border-left", "2px solid #fdfdfd") :css("width", "100%") else node = node:tag("th") end local titlestyle = __nnew(args.titlestyle) node:cssText(basestyle) :cssText(titlestyle) :attr("colspan", 2 + iif(imageleft, 1, 0) + iif(image, 1, 0) + iif(titlegroup, -1, 0)) :addClass("navbox-title") local navbar = __nnew(args.navbar) local name = __nnew(args.name) if (navbar == "plain" or navbar == "off") or (not name and (border == "subgroup" or border == "child" or border == "none")) then if navbar == "off" then if state == "plain" then node:tag("div") :css("float", "right") :css("width", "2.78em") :wikitext(" ") end elseif state ~= "plain" then node:tag("div") :css("float", "left") :css("width", "2.78em") :css("text-align", 'left') :wikitext(" ") end else node:tag("div") :css("float", "left") :css("width", "2.78em") :css("text-align", 'left') :tag("span") :addClass("mobileonly") :wikitext(" ") :done() :node(_bar({ [1] = args.name, fontstyle = iif(basestyle, (basestyle or "")..";", "")..iif(titlestyle, (titlestyle or "")..";", "").."border:none", mini = 1 }, frame)) if state == "plain" then node:tag("div") :css("float", "right") :css("width", "2.78em") :wikitext(" ") end end node:tag("span") :css("font-size", iif(border == "subgroup" or border == "child" or border == "none", "100%", "110%")) :wikitext(args.title or "{{{title}}}") node = temp -- 复原节点位置 end --- Above --- local above = __nnew(args.above) if above then if title then node:tag("tr"):css("height", "2px"):tag("td") end node:tag("tr"):tag("td") :addClass("navbox-abovebelow") :cssText(basestyle) :cssText(__nnew(args.abovestyle)) :attr("colspan", 2 + iif(imageleft, 1, 0) + iif(image, 1, 0)) :wikitext(args.above or "{{{above}}}") end --- Body --- local lists = {} local listmax = 0 for k, v in pairs(args) do if type(k) == "string" and mw.ustring.sub(k, 1, 4) == "list" then local raw, index = paramindexes(k, "^list%$") if index ~= nil and index > 0 and __nnew(v) then table.insert(lists, { raw, index, v }) -- 添加新项 lists[tostring(index)] = #lists -- 将字符串格式的搜索键映射到对应的新项索引 listmax = math.max(listmax, index) end end end --- groups/lists --- local evenstyle = __nnew(args.evenstyle) local oddstyle = __nnew(args.oddstyle) local evenodd = __nnew(args.evenodd) local liststyle = __nnew(args.liststyle) local listpadding = __nnew(args.listpadding) local visiblelist = 0 -- 可见的列表。 local imageleftnode, imagenode local swap = evenodd == "swap" -- 列表项奇偶样式是否交换。 local autoSwapOn = __nnew(args.autoSwapOn, "yes") == "yes" -- 自动交换开关。 for index = 1, listmax do if lists[tostring(index)] then -- 存在这个键 visiblelist = visiblelist + 1 -- 增加计数。 local raw, _, list_i = unpack(lists[lists[tostring(index)]]) if visiblelist > 1 or (title or above) then node:tag("tr"):css("height", "2px"):tag("td") end local tr = node:tag("tr") if visiblelist == 1 then if imageleft then imageleftnode = tr:tag("td") :css("width", "0%") :css("padding", "0px 2px 0px 0px") :cssText(__nnew(args.imageleftstyle)) :wikitext(imageleft) end end local td local group_i = indexedparamvalue(args, "group%", raw, index) if group_i then local groupstyle_i = indexedparamvalue(args, "group%style", raw, index) td = tr:tag("td") :addClass("navbox-group") :cssText(basestyle) :css("padding", grouppadding or ("0 "..iif(border == "subgroup", "0.75em", "1em"))) :cssText(groupstyle) :cssText(groupstyle_i) :wikitext(group_i) :done() :tag("td") :css("text-align", "left") :css("border-left", "2px solid #fdfdfd") else td = tr:tag("td") :attr("colspan", 2) end local liststyle_i = indexedparamvalue(args, "list%style", raw, index) local list_previous = nil -- 上一个可见列表内容。 if autoSwapOn then -- 通过控制list_previous是否为nil来控制是否执行自动交换程序。 for _index = index - 1, 1, -1 do if lists[tostring(_index)] then -- 存在这个键 _, _, list_previous = unpack(lists[lists[tostring(_index)]]) break end end end local evenodd_i = indexedparamvalue(args, "evenodd%", raw, index) if evenodd_i ~= "even" and evenodd_i ~= "odd" then local swap_i = nil swap_i, evenodd_i = detectevenodd(list_previous, evenodd_i, evenodd, xor(visiblelist % 2 == 0, swap)) -- 查找上一列表中的最后一项的样式。 if swap_i then swap = not swap end -- 交换列表项奇偶样式。 if evenodd_i then if swap then evenodd_i = iif(evenodd_i == "even", "odd", "even") end else evenodd_i = iif(xor(visiblelist % 2 == 0, swap), "even", "odd") end end td:addClass("navbox-list") :addClass("navbox-"..evenodd_i) :css("width", "100%") :css("padding", "0px") :cssText(liststyle) if evenodd_i == "even" then td:cssText(evenstyle) elseif evenodd_i == "odd" then td:cssText(oddstyle) else td:cssText(iif(xor(visiblelist % 2 == 0, swap), evenstyle, oddstyle)) -- 偶数行使用evenstyle,奇数行使用oddstyle。(特殊情况下交换。) end td:cssText(liststyle_i) :tag("div") :css("padding", listpadding or "0em 0.25em") :wikitext(list_i) if visiblelist == 1 then if image then imagenode = tr:tag("td") :css("width", "0%") :css("padding", "0px 0px 0px 2px") :cssText(__nnew(args.imagestyle)) :wikitext(image) end end end end if imageleftnode then imageleftnode:attr("rowspan", visiblelist * 2 - 1) end if imagenode then imagenode:attr("rowspan", visiblelist * 2 - 1) end --- Below --- local below = __nnew(args.below) if below then if title or above or visiblelist ~= 0 then node:tag("tr"):css("height", "2px"):tag("td") end node:tag("tr"):tag("td") :addClass("navbox-abovebelow") :cssText(basestyle) :cssText(__nnew(args.belowstyle)) :attr("colspan", 2 + iif(imageleft, 1, 0) + iif(image, 1, 0)) :wikitext(below) end -------------------------------------- node = node:allDone() -- 回到最上层节点。 -- 当前模板用于生成子列表时,对标上文父模板被关闭的div if border == "subgroup" or border == "child" then node:wikitext("<div>") end return node end local function _subgroupbox(args, frame) args.border = __nnew(args.border, "subgroup") args.style = (args.style or "")..iif(args.bodystyle, ";"..(args.bodystyle or ""), "") return args end -- 前排提醒,不要边遍历table边给元素设置为nil,特别是非当前元素! local function _collapsiblegroupsbox(args, frame) local newargs = {} newargs[1] = args[2] newargs.style = (args.style or "")..iif(args.bodystyle, ";"..(args.bodystyle or ""), "") local selected = __nnew(args.selected) local basestyle = __nnew(args.basestyle) local groupstyle = __nnew(args.groupstyle) local sectstyle = __nnew(args.sectstyle) local secttitlestyle = __nnew(args.secttitlestyle) local liststyle = __nnew(args.liststyle) for k, v in pairs(args) do if type(k) == "string" then local raw, index = paramindexes(k, "^list%$") if index ~= nil and index > 0 and __nnew(v) then local group_i = indexedparamvalue(args, "group%", raw, index) local sect_i = indexedparamvalue(args, "sect%", raw, index) local abbr_i = indexedparamvalue(args, "abbr%", raw, index) local state_i = indexedparamvalue(args, "state%", raw, index) local groupstyle_i = indexedparamvalue(args, "group%style", raw, index) local sectstyle_i = indexedparamvalue(args, "sect%style", raw, index) local liststyle_i = indexedparamvalue(args, "list%style", raw, index) local image_i = indexedparamvalue(args, "image%", raw, index) local imageleft_i = indexedparamvalue(args, "imageleft%", raw, index) local _args = { border = "child", state = iif(selected == abbr_i, "mw-uncollapsed", state_i or "mw-collapsed"), style = (sectstyle or "")..iif(sectstyle_i, ";"..(sectstyle_i or ""), ""), titlestyle = (basestyle or "")..iif(groupstyle, ";"..(groupstyle or ""), "")..iif(secttitlestyle, ";"..(secttitlestyle or ""), "")..iif(groupstyle_i, ";"..(groupstyle_i or ""), ""), liststyle = (liststyle or "")..iif(liststyle_i, ";"..(liststyle_i or ""), ""), title = group_i or sect_i, list1 = v, image = image_i, imageleft = imageleft_i } newargs[k] = tostring(_box(_args, frame)) end end end -- 白名单,不保证没有缺漏或多余 local list_valid = { 'name', 'state', 'navbar', 'border', 'title', 'above', 'image', 'imageleft', 'below', 'selected', 'bodystyle', 'titlestyle', 'abovestyle', 'belowstyle', 'basestyle', 'imagestyle', 'imageleftstyle', 'sectstyle', 'groupstyle', 'liststyle', 'listpadding' } for _, val in ipairs(list_valid) do if args[val] then newargs[val] = args[val] end end return newargs end local function _columnsbox(args, frame) args[1] = args[2] args[2] = nil local bodystyle = __nnew(args.bodystyle) args.style = (args.style or "")..iif(bodystyle, ";"..(bodystyle or ""), "") args.tracking = "no" local lists = {} -- 收集所有含有列的列表。 for k, v in pairs(args) do if type(k) == "string" then local lraw, craw, lindex, cindex -- list和column的raw和index。 craw, cindex = paramindexes(k, "^col%$") -- 为兼容,先检查是否存在 col+数字 格式的参数。 if cindex ~= nil then lraw, lindex = "1", 1 else -- 匹配指定列表和列的序号的参数。 lraw, craw, lindex, cindex = paramindexes(k, "^list%col%$") end if lindex ~= nil and lindex > 0 and cindex > 0 and __nnew(v) then local cols if lists[tostring(lindex)] then cols = lists[lists[tostring(lindex)]] else cols = {} table.insert(lists, cols) -- 添加新项 lists[tostring(lindex)] = #lists -- 将字符串格式的搜索键映射到对应的新项索引 lists["#"] = math.max(lists["#"] or 0, lindex) end table.insert(cols, { { lraw, craw }, { lindex, cindex }, v }) -- 添加新项 cols[tostring(cindex)] = #cols -- 将字符串格式的搜索键映射到对应的新项索引 cols["#"] = math.max(cols["#"] or 0, cindex) args[k] = nil -- 清除原有的内容以便覆写,防止影响Navbox构造逻辑。 end end end local coltablestyle = __nnew(args.coltablestyle) local fullwidth = __nnew(args.fullwidth) local colwidth = __nnew(args.colwidth) local colheaderstyle = __nnew(args.colheaderstyle) local padding = __nnew(args.padding) local colstyle = __nnew(args.colstyle) local oddcolstyle = __nnew(args.oddcolstyle) local evencolstyle = __nnew(args.evencolstyle) for lindex = 1, lists["#"] do local cols = lists[lists[tostring(lindex)]] if cols then local node = mw.html.create("table") :addClass("navbox-columns-table") :css("border-spacing", "0px") :css("text-align", "left") :cssText(coltablestyle) --if fullwidth then node = node:css("width", "100%") --else -- node = node -- :css("width", "auto") -- :css("margin-left", "auto") -- :css("margin-right", "auto") --end local header = mw.html.create("tr") -- Header row local main = mw.html.create("tr") -- Main columns local footer = mw.html.create("tr") -- Footer row local hasheader = false local hasfooter = false local visiblecol = 0 -- 计数可见的列。 for cindex = 1, cols["#"] do if cols[cols[tostring(cindex)]] then visiblecol = visiblecol + 1 -- 增加计数。 local raw, index, col_i = unpack(cols[cols[tostring(cindex)]]) local colheader_i = indexedparamvalue(args, "list%col%header", raw, index) local colfooter_i = indexedparamvalue(args, "list%col%footer", raw, index) local colstyle_i = indexedparamvalue(args, "list%col%style", raw, index) local colheadercolspan_i = indexedparamvalue(args, "list%col%headercolspan", raw, index) local colfootercolspan_i = indexedparamvalue(args, "list%col%footercolspan", raw, index) local colheaderstyle_i = indexedparamvalue(args, "list%col%headerstyle", raw, index) local colfooterstyle_i = indexedparamvalue(args, "list%col%footerstyle", raw, index) local colwidth_i = indexedparamvalue(args, "list%col%width", raw, index) if lindex == 1 then -- 如果是第一个列表,则需要考虑兼容,检查省略list1的参数名称。 colheader_i = colheader_i or indexedparamvalue(args, "col%header", raw[2], index[2]) colfooter_i = colfooter_i or indexedparamvalue(args, "col%footer", raw[2], index[2]) colstyle_i = colstyle_i or indexedparamvalue(args, "col%style", raw[2], index[2]) colheadercolspan_i = colheadercolspan_i or indexedparamvalue(args, "col%headercolspan", raw[2], index[2]) colfootercolspan_i = colfootercolspan_i or indexedparamvalue(args, "col%footercolspan", raw[2], index[2]) colheaderstyle_i = colheaderstyle_i or indexedparamvalue(args, "col%headerstyle", raw[2], index[2]) colfooterstyle_i = colfooterstyle_i or indexedparamvalue(args, "col%footerstyle", raw[2], index[2]) colwidth_i = colwidth_i or indexedparamvalue(args, "col%width", raw[2], index[2]) end --- Header row --- local hcol if colheader_i then hasheader = true hcol = header:tag("td") :addClass("navbox-abovebelow") :attr("colspan", colheadercolspan_i or 1) :css("font-weight", "bold") :cssText(colheaderstyle) :cssText(colheaderstyle_i) :wikitext(colheader_i) end --- Main columns --- main:css("vertical-align", "top") if visiblecol == 1 and not (colheader_i or colfooter_i or fullwidth) and not (padding == "off" or mw.ustring.find(padding, "^;*-?0+%a+;*$")) then main:tag("td"):css("width", padding or "5em"):wikitext(" ") end mcol = main:tag("td") :css("padding", "0px") :css("width", colwidth_i or colwidth or "10em") :cssText(colstyle) :cssText(iif(visiblecol % 2 == 1, oddcolstyle, evencolstyle)) :cssText(colstyle_i) :tag("div") :wikitext(col_i) :done() --- Footer row --- local fcol if colfooter_i then hasfooter = true fcol = footer:tag("td") :addClass("navbox-abovebelow") :att("colspan", colfootercolspan_i or 1) :css("font-weight", "bold") :cssText(colfooterstyle) :cssText(colfooterstyle_i) :wikitext(colfooter_i) end if visiblecol ~= 1 then mcol:css("border-left", "2px solid #fdfdfd") if hcol then hcol:css("border-left", "2px solid #fdfdfd") end if fcol then fcol:css("border-left", "2px solid #fdfdfd") end end end end node:node(header) -- 添加Header row。 if hasheader then node:tag("tr"):css("height", "2px"):tag("td") -- 添加header下方的分隔线。 end node:node(main) -- 添加Main columns。 if hasfooter then node:tag("tr"):css("height", "2px"):tag("td") -- 添加footer上方的分隔线。 end node:node(footer) -- 添加Footer row。 args["list"..tostring(lindex)] = tostring(node) args["list"..tostring(lindex).."style"] = "background:transparent;color:inherit;" args["list"..tostring(lindex).."padding"] = "0px" end end return args end local checkNamespaces = function(frame) local title = mw.title.new(frame:getParent():getTitle()) if not title:inNamespaces( "Template" ) and not mw.title.equals(title, mw.title.new("沙盒", "Help")) and not mw.title.equals(title, mw.title.new("Nav", "Module_talk")) then return "[[Category:在非模板名字空间下的页面中调用Nav模块]]" end end local getArgs = function(frame) local _params_ = __nnew(frame.args._params_, "overwrite") if _params_ == "self" then return frame.args elseif _params_ == "overwrite" then local parent = frame:getParent() local args = {} if parent ~= nil then for k, v in pairs(parent.args) do args[k] = v end end for k, v in pairs(frame.args) do if k ~= "_params_" then args[k] = v end end return args elseif _params_ == "default" then local parent = frame:getParent() local args = {} for k, v in pairs(frame.args) do if k ~= "_params_" then args[k] = v end end if parent ~= nil then for k, v in pairs(parent.args) do args[k] = v end end return args else return nil end end function nav.box(frame) local result = checkNamespaces(frame) or "" local args = getArgs(frame) if args == nil then return require("Module:Error").error({ message = mw.ustring.format("不能识别的参数获取方式:“%s”", frame.args._params_ or "") }) end local version = __nne(args[1]) if version ~= nil then version = mw.text.trim(version) end local border = __nnew(args.border) or version if border == "subgroup" then args = _subgroupbox(args, frame) elseif version == "collapsible groups" then args = _collapsiblegroupsbox(args, frame) elseif version == "columns" then args = _columnsbox(args, frame) end return result..tostring(_box(args, frame)) end function nav.bar(frame) local result = checkNamespaces(frame) or "" local args = getArgs(frame) if args == nil then return require("Module:Error").error({ message = mw.ustring.format("不能识别的参数获取方式:“%s”", frame.args._params_ or "") }) end return result..tostring(_bar(args, frame)) end return nav